How much does Mental Health First Aid cost?
Let’s reframe the question. Can you put a price on preventing a suicide? Here are the facts: 3139 deaths in Australia in 2020 were recorded as suicides. That’s over three thousand deaths by suicide. Therefore, how much does mental health first aid cost if it can prevent a suicide?
Nearly 9 people every day. That is 3139 too many. How much is a life worth? $1000? $10 000? More?
Family and friends left behind after someone they love dies by suicide are often devastated. In addition, they are often filled with guilt, grief and at risk themselves of developing mental health issues. How much is their grief worth? A price cannot be cannot be put on a life.
You cannot truly measure how much you would pay if you knew you might have prevented this tragedy from occurring. How much does mental health first aid really cost, and can you put a price on saving a life?
How much does it cost to learn how to talk to someone you love about suicide?
Firstly, you need to know these skills CAN be learned. The Standard Mental Health First Aid Training is designed for average people. It has been designed based on research by experts in the field of mental health.
Secondly, the training has been put together by experienced trainers so that it is presented in a way that is clear, understandable, practical and highly relevant to everyday life.
Mental Health First Aid Training is an excellent way to build your knowledge, and confidence about mental health issues. You will then more easily have conversations with people to support them towards getting the professional help they need. Step by Step Training offers this course in Toowoomba, and there are qualified instructors all over Australia.
Learn the skills to spot the signs of mental health issues
So therefore, how much would you pay to learn lots of really useful ways to spot the signs and possibly prevent someone you love from killing themselves?
You will learn about the changes that indicate someone might be struggling with their mental health. Secondly, you will learn loads of practical ways to support them. It is not about you becoming a counsellor, but instead about knowing where to get the help you and others need in your local community.
It’s also about knowing what organisations nationally you can use to build further knowledge about this desperately needed area.
The training is also about self-care
Finally, you will learn valuable ways to support your own mental health and well-being. Identifying ways that you can live a happy and contented life, and prevent yourself from becoming another statistic.
It is NOT about diagnosing mental illness. It is also NOT a course that treats or counsels people who are already struggling with mental illness.
If you were to arrive at the scene of a car accident, you would apply first aid skills and contact emergency services. Mental Health First Aid is exactly like that. You are first on the scene, and you support the person to get the professional or emergency support they need.
Mental Health issues are VERY common
Because mental health issues are so common it is essential people learn how to talk about mental health issues. Everyone should become confident to talk about suicide. You can with the help of this course.
Anyone can learn these skills. Nationally Accredited Training by fully qualified instructors is available all over Australia. Step by Step Training offers this training in Toowoomba, Queensland and there are instructors located in most Australian cities and regions.
Mental Health First Aid Training includes learning all of these things, and costs less than you think.
You will learn about depression, and anxiety. In addition, you will be more able to spot the signs around suicide. Essential skills we can all learn about. Struggling with mental health issues is becoming increasingly common. We all either know someone, or are struggling ourselves.
In conclusion
How much does mental health first aid cost? The cost is not as much as you would think. It is only a few hundred dollars.
Lives can be saved and the support you can be to others and yourself is priceless.
Enquire today with your employer, or click here.
YouTube reframing the question about how much mental health first aid training really costs.