Everyone has a responsibility to build trust in the workplace to help improve Mental Health. Building trust in the workplace is good for mental health.
People feel committed and safe if trust underpins a workplace. Ultimately creating a positive environment and resilient workers. If you understand that relationships are built or lost one conversation at a time. Managers finding an hour a week to walk the floor and chat to workers. Workers welcome to drop into management for a few minutes to brainstorm or chat.
Younger and junior workers place a high value on trust in the workplace for Good Mental Health. They are prioritising this above all else in choosing their careers and whether to stay with a workplace, or find another job. Trust in the workplace will improve mental health for everyone.
Workplaces will have measurably improved productivity, lower staff turnover and better culture. Just by using these simple, cost effective but powerful behaviours.
One Conversation at a time
All relationships are built or lost one conversation at a time. Managers that notice when an employee does good work, and has regular wellbeing check-ins with all staff generates positive feelings and loyalty. For many workplaces the bustle of day to day tasks and deadlines can easily overshadow these simple tools. Everyone has a responsibility to build trust in the workplace.
However, the consequences of overlooking the essential human connection in the workplace will further magnify workplaces stress, and reduce the morale of everyone. Trusting relationships improves mental health in the workplace.
Briefly, one example I personally experienced, was during a particularly challenging time at my workplace.
Early one morning, the Executive Director took 2 minutes to personally tell me that he was aware of the situation and, that people were working in the background to alleviate the situation for me.
The result was instant and amazing. I felt supported, more positive and as a result I remained committed to the company, and weathered the storm of this challenge effectively.
Conversations only take moments, but the effects can be long-term and memorable.
Finding an hour a week
Excuses. We all have them, and find them to justify ourselves. Taking the first step by allocating time in a diary to take a walk in the manufacturing area. To walk around the office, or to drive out to an isolated workforce. All of these will result in profound changes in attitude for many workers. Mental Health is improved as relationships improve.
In addition, workers will start to realise that managers seek to understand their roles. That they really care and that they want the best for them. Finding an hour a week to simply be amongst workers, talking about family, learning about their work roles and challenges. Or, just genuinely appreciating them, and acknowledging their efforts.
Powerful yet simple tools every manager could be using. Finally, Managers who truly want to build a cohesive workplace and improve profits find this easy.
For most of us, it takes time and effort before it becomes a habit.
Time to brainstorm or chat
Being able to run ideas past teammates, briefly hear their opinions, and involve them in processes is the way of the 21st Century. In the past, workers existed in silos. Now, in the 21st Century, people are needed to work together to complete jobs efficiently and effectively. Positive working relationships improves mental health in the workplace for everyone.
No one would support workers spending hours around the coffee machine. However, actively supporting workers to spend time to brainstorm or chat will enable everyone to feel part of the bigger process. Furthermore, newer and less experienced workers can access the experience and knowledge of longer-serving team members. In addition, succession planning is also enabled in this space, as people retire and newer staff members move into their roles.
Everyone experiences personal crisis at some stage in their lives. In the meantime, work is often the one stable place where they can feel safe and supported (or not). This may be the difference between burnout, or suicide. Even if their work may be reduced during this time, a company retaining staff by supporting them ultimately save them money. Further training in Mental Health can build resilient workplaces. Step by Step Training can help.
Meanwhile, organisation and company reputation will be further enhanced as word of mouth spreads that a workplace actively practices emotional safety and encourages trust.
Simple cost effective but powerful behaviours
Building relationships one conversation at a time. Managers finding an hour a week to talk to workers. Workers taking a few moments to brainstorm solutions to tasks. People feeling safe to work through a personal crisis while still working.
All of these simple will ultimately result in measurably improved profits. People who are happy and feeling valued will work to the best of their abilities. In addition, People who trust management, and trust each other will feel more committed to their workplace. People who feel valued and trust, have fewer mental health problems.
Equally important, lowering staff turnover is an added bonus in this work environment. The costs to companies of recruiting is extensive and training new staff increases stress and costs to everyone.
Finally, litigation is costly and stressful to both a worker and an organisation. Trusting relationships that value workers, and enable their concerns to be heard will result in better mental health. Ultimately reducing the risk of costly litigation.
In Conclusion, here’s the challenge!
Do you dare to try to spend one hour a week talking to employees?
Do you dare to discuss a particular work task with a more experienced colleague to gain their insights?
Are you trustworthy? What does that even mean?
For more information on developing trust in the workplace, speak to us at Step by Step Training today to plan a tailored training session for your workplace! – Online, or Face to Face
For more Essential Tips to support Mental Health in Your Workplace, read our other article here.
Never give up, you can always improve your communication and relationships by building trust.